There are additional African and Far-Asian population controls, so, in principle, the calculator could be used by non-Europeans/Anatolians/Caucasians, although I would be less confident of their results. For example, people of South Asian ancestry may obtain a Far-Asian result if they use this calculator, due to the deep affinity of Ancestral South Indians with East Asians. Other West Eurasians and West Eurasian-admixed peoples, not from the studied regions (e.g., Arabians or East Africans) will have their West Eurasian components mapped onto the ones used in this calculator.
'euro7' uses 7 ancestral components:
- Caucasus
- Northwestern
- Northeastern
- Southeastern
- African
- Far_Asian
- Southwestern
The distribution of these 7 components can be seen in the barplot on the top left, and precise admixture proportions can be found in the spreadsheet. Note that additional samples have been used to infer these components, but as these come from Dodecad populations with less than 5 participants, I am not reporting average values for them, as per the usual project policy.
Here is the neighbor-joining tree based on the Fst divergences between the 7 ancestral components:

You can download the calculator RAR from here (Google docs; File->Download original), or here (sendspace).
You need to extract the contents of the RAR file to the working directory of DIYDodecad. You use it by following exactly the instructions of the DIYDodecad README, but always type 'euro7' instead of 'dv3' in these instructions.
Terms of use: 'euro7', including all files in the downloaded RAR file is free for non-commercial personal use. Commercial uses are forbidden. Contact me for non-personal uses of the calculator.
Calculators released by the Dodecad Project: