Tuesday, October 23, 2012

'globe10' calculator

As part of the on-going analysis of the world dataset, I am releasing the 'globe10' calculator, which is based on the K=10 analysis. This calculator includes the following ancestral components:
  • Amerindian
  • West_Asian
  • Australasian
  • Palaeo_African
  • Neo_African
  • Siberian
  • Southern
  • East_Asian
  • Atlantic_Baltic
  • South_Asian
The names may be the same as the ones from previous calculators released by the Project, but you should always consult the spreadsheet to see how they might differ. In this case, inclusion of Amerindian, Australasian populations, African hunter-gatherers, dealing with the Paniya issue, and inclusion of data of Schlebusch et al. (2012), and  Pagani et al. (2012), have all combined to change components in subtle ways, although their modalities remain largely unchanged, and hence so do the names.

You need to extract the contents of the RAR file to the working directory of DIYDodecad. You use it by following exactly the instructions of the DIYDodecad README, but always type 'globe10' instead of 'dv3' in these instructions. You can consult the spreadsheet for proportions of the 10 components in different world populations.

Terms of use: 'globe10', including all files in the downloaded RAR file is free for non-commercial personal use. Commercial uses are forbidden. Contact me for non-personal uses of the calculator.


  1. Will individual project member results be posted as in part spreadsheets?

  2. Are you going to include individual results and population portraits for project participants? I mean, concerning the last analysis or other future plans. Sometimes results differ comparing spreadsheet with DIY, and it's good to see both ways. Thanks.

  3. Right now, my CPU is occupied with these experiments. I'll probably post new project member results at some point with one of these calculators.

  4. Just like with globe4, my results aren't in line with what I usually get compared to other groups of my ethnicity. I guess it's because I wasn't included in the runs this time, since there are only 3 of us in the Tunisian group.

  5. Just like with globe4, my results aren't in line with what I usually get compared to other groups of my ethnicity. I guess it's because I wasn't included in the runs this time, since there are only 3 of us in the Tunisian group.

    There are 4 Tunisians in the Dodecad Project, and all of them were included in the analysis. These 4 individuals do not appear to be homogeneous, and appear to differ substantially in the West_Asian component (range 10-17%), the Neo_African one (range 13-22%) in particular.

  6. Up to what K number are you going to run it to?
